An all-American sports bar and lounge owned by hip hop mogul Jay-Z and partner Juan Perez (6 West 25th Street between 6th Avenue and Broadway), opened its doors to the public on June 18, 2003. Created by the three long time friends, 40/40 is 12,000 square feet of pure sports and entertainment in an opulent lounge setting, providing a unique experience not found elsewhere in New York City."I love sports and wanted to create an environment that is conducive to match my lifestyle, while watching the games at the same time," said Jay-Z.The $4 million multi-level space includes a 24' x 8' slate bar, a 16-foot-wide staircase furnished with sleek seating on the steps, 15 LCD TV's, 8 plasmas (three of which are 60"), four 12' X 12' two-sided big screen TV's, a premium Cognac Room and three private VIP rooms. Two of the VIP rooms, the "Rmy Lounge" (appropriately named after Rmy Martin, Jay's cognac of choice) and "Jay's Room" (24' X 16' each), are fully equipped with their own personal entertainment centers, 60" plasma TV's, Italian leather wrap-around couches, all controlled by their own touch-screen remotes. Each room can hold up to 70 people for private parties and events. The third VIP room, The Hall of Fame room, is 46' X 20' and can hold up to 150 guests. The 40/40 Club is named after one of baseball's most prestigious achievements. A benchmark for power and speed, The 40/40 Club includes players who hit 40 home runs and steal 40 bases in one season--only Barry Bonds (1996), Alex Rodriguez (1998), Jose Canseco (1988) and the newest fourth member, Alfonso Soriano (2006) can call The 40/40 Club home. The four jerseys of these men grace an area of the lounge to honor their great accomplishment. "When we were thinking of a name, we wanted something exclusive--the 40/40 Club in baseball is as exclusive as it gets", said Jay-Z. The decor of 40/40 is a mix of memorabilia from this country's greatest games